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On Machiavelli, Bacon and a Few Other Thoughts

October 12th, 2020

After reading Niccolò Machiavelli’s The Prince, a few thoughts had sprung to mind . . .

I. One becomes a god when they fix things, when they restore order. They indeed are also seen as being most sane, intelligent, and wise.

Likewise, a goddess is made when she does the same. It is, however, to her particular advantage to apply her great intuition and answer to none. Let the results speak for themselves. Her advantage is on the fine details in the here and now. She must nurture that most Present aspect for her glory to blossom . . . which projects its worth at both ends of time: in the Past and the Future. Rippling out as so, she is remembered most excellently and dramatically, for whereas a man is judged by what he does, a woman is judged by who she is. This is how we come to understand the role of the mother archetype of the Goddess.

II. One of the greatest central principles to keep in mind is this: never submit to peer pressure, and never jump on board of any bandwagon.

III. The problem with choosing to be considered more merciful or altruistic than cruel is that the merciful image sought after is a consequence of observing the state or empire in only a short-term view, where the overall long-term effects are not considered. It is like raising a child. When they misbehave, do we give them candy so we appease that merciful image we seek, or do we punish them for their bad behavior so they learn to be a good person and develop a good, healthy, balanced character? The latter here is what is called considering the long-term effects: therefore, to appease a superficial, merciful image is a truer act of cruelty because it deprives the peace, security, and life of the state or empire, leading to poverty and a very unhappy populace . . . and an unhappy people will be quick to betray their Prince in hope for a better livelihood.

This is the predicament of the liberal mindset, and this is why their downfall is their own altruism, for any state under this kind of governance makes it heavily susceptible to foreign invasion. This is the real influence of Krishna’s Dark side — the Mimic, Bhōgavān.

And to invade their domain, only religion is needed to lay siege to their control over the state, big business, big tech, the media, etc.: a religion that is not Christian, though very much akin to the old Catholic aestheticism. It ought to be one with a clear honor code, rather than built upon any futile tradition, though only traditions that very directly and necessarily uphold key values that add Power to the Prince ought to be maintained.

For the most part, this new religion would be most successful if it were pagan with clear ethnocentric values for each race to protect their own as the will of God and Goddess, for this is seen as morally good and restoring order to the racial hierarchy.

Be(a)ware of he who fixes the chaos of the World, for they have the whole World’s loyalty and respect to gain, and thus Power from the whole World’s population. In this way, this new religion requires a savior(s) for a God and Goddess to be seen, understood, and worshiped. Machiavelli explained that it wisest for a Prince to live amongst his people in order to gain their trust. Is that not also the role of a savior: God in human form sent to teach and Enlighten his people?

And so, if you want to rule the World, be sure that the savior and ruler is you and your eternal spouse and absolutely none other, for otherwise your rule shall cease to be long-lasting.

IV. The spirit animal of an individual determines his or her aptitudes and ability to succeed. According to Machiavelli, the wisest choice is the lion and the fox, for “he must therefore be a fox to discern toils, and a lion to drive off wolves.17 But I argue it is better to be a wolf and a raven, for the raven supplies you with tremendous insight and quickness of mind and wit (that is, Óden’s thought and memory, Hugin and Munin), and the wolf with strength, direction, and the humility and resourcefulness to be a better master over one’s own Self.

V. Why is it that the bad guys always win and rule, yet the good guys are defeated? What Machiavelli says is that it is all a matter of using common sense. To be good and virtuous, but do not be so caught up in this strict, practically religious, honor code that is going to destroy your Self.

And this question may be then argued: “If the good guys are defeated, is it not then the will of God?” But now this second question arises: “Is it not also the will of God for the ruler (his subject) to uphold his greatness?” So we come to another incredible viewpoint: God as a Prince, and Earth his entire Princedom. It would be advantageous to God for his subjects to encourage and influence others to his service also, therefore any maneuver a good Earthly Prince makes that might first appear cruel is actually still the will of God, and this is what is known as “pious cruelty”.

VI. Now apart from The Prince, there is a little more I would like to discuss.

To keep your scientific research growing healthily, it is imperative that you become regularly inspired. Such a Lovely blend of creative hobby and spirituality with your work provides fresh, new insights and keeps your purpose alive. This is because the Subconscious is allowed to relax and unwind, and such emotional release is like that of shifting electrons, by which the photons produced are the little Light bulbs of brilliant genius coming up to the conscious, mental surface. Whoever said tai-chi, oil painting, and a good fictional story does not stimulate those intimate waters for legendary success?

Just as so, those things that stunt the creative flow stagnate the Mind so much as to prevent new ideas and strategies from developing, and to even retard one’s intellect and depth of perception. One must learn to notice the signs of their own mental deterioration, and one of these signs is the clogging up of well put-together research with reams of pointless data that do not get to the bottom of the investigation and only serve as verbal and numerical word salad.

Far more can be learned and achieved if we all are straight to the point, but, as it is, human nature likes to soften the edges so the Truth will not seem as harshly real, as something that so rudely calls our attention . . .

VII. It is important to possess older dictionaries in one’s library collection due to how easily definitions of words can be changed online. Retain the old definitions of our words, and greater clarity may be perceived. All notions are derived from our immediate impression upon our senses, something similar to what Evelyn Underhill had written in her book Mysticism.

VIII. Hierarchy is often seen as a primitive way of being. The philosophy of “it is the year 2020 (etc.) now, we can do better” gets in the way of even attempting to delve into the past. There is a constant pressure in the current to go forwards, even carelessly and to the individual’s disadvantage because it is a subconscious attempt to run away from the responsibility of actually upholding the good and maintaining a healthy, functioning society.

If they were serious about it, they would be truly interested in investigating the matter and developing the best solutions they could possibly muster . . . but they do not because they are too caught up in maintaining their own Power, and conforming to the current way of thinking, which becomes a safe haven for them. And so by this they are able to stay afloat in the game of natural selection.

It is only the strategy now to alter that social pressure by installing proper pillars of influence to redirect the masses’ sense of right and wrong. But we must be careful to not let those influences become a part of the mainstream. It should always be kept at a healthy enough distance so it always seems neat, rebellious, and beautiful. Basically enough to tease the populace.

IX. Lastly, I would like to read you a small passage concerning the great importance of planting a strong seed of Truth as a foundation for real knowledge, by which this also applies to everything else we do in life. We visualize this as the legendary Tree of Life. Here, from Sir Francis Bacon’s book, Novum Organum, the editor, Joseph Devey M.A., writes:

One principle ever so slightly deflected, like a false quantity in an equation, could be sufficient to infect the whole series of conclusions of which it was the base; and though the philosopher might subsequently deduce a thousand consecutive inferences with the utmost accuracy or precision, he would only succeed in drawing out very methodically nine hundred and ninety-nine errors.15

X. Furthermore on Bacon, I would like to add that what he seems to be referring to regarding the induction method of reasoning is a sort of autistic reasoning. Frustrating beyond doubt from the constant questioning to get to the root of the matter of Truth, but still it is necessary in order to deliver the best answers and understanding.

He who understands his World is actually the best strategist and most illuminated . . . and thus the game of natural selection will be his.


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